
What is and what may never be Sunday, December 31, 2023

  It is the last day of a year I never thought I would live to see. Everything is reflection now, looking more in the rear view mirror than at the road ahead, knowing that many more miles lay behind than I can expect to tread. Everything is scattered – like the aftermath of the big bang as our lives spread out and separate from each other’s, in the end, each of us condemned to our own tiny place a vast universe, where rising and falling stars no longer apply, only that we still remain, traveling, though destined to burn out. I wake to darkness and cold, but not the frigid chill we might expect for New Years Day, but as if we have already arrived in early March and await blooming we know will not transpire for months to come, and yet hope for. I miss Pauly and Hank, even though they long ago faded from my universe and have their own place elsewhere in a space that is beyond mine at this moment, and only faith in the afterlife promises that we might meet again. This year,...

The eve of New Year's Eve Dec. 30, 2023

   It's the eve of New Year's Eve. So naturally, I am sick again -- at a time when I usually consider my own mortality. None of us -- None of the Garley gang for sure -- thought we'd get to live this long despite Hanks one time prediction that we would all grow old on a porch somewhere in rocking chairs. For some reason, this year is particularly poignant-- perhaps because I've focused on Paulie too much and traveled to sites where he would have been had he lived. To say the world is going to hell in a handbasket is an understatement because it is clear that those people we always considered whackos in the past have now become the curators of this insane museum, nut cases who believe in man made climate change, UFOs and sexual identity confusion. we can all accept this as an outgrowth of the 1960s in which we all wanted to have our freedom to do anything we wanted to do and we did, and the result is a total destruction of those structures that keep society w...

Journal Dec. 5, 2023

  email to Al Sullivan

poetry Journal Dec. 4, 2023

  email to Al Sullivan

Poetry Journal Dec. 3, 2023

  email to Al Sullivan

Poetry Journal 1 Nov. 17, 2023

  email to Al Sullivan

poetry Journal Nov. 15, 2023

  email to Al Sullivan